Last Saturday's long run with my long time running buddy and best friend Johnny Hubbard started in typical fashion. "Who's idea was this?" followed by "We're doing four reservoir loops, right"? We then, like clockwork complained about our aches and pains, discussed work issues, debated politics (which he was wrong) and finally settled into talking about our families. I filled him in on the updates of Sam's recent diagnosis of a rare disease and John discussed this week's trials and tribulations of his son's Colitis and liver disease.
You see, John has pulled away from racing the past three years tackling family health issues. As much as I enjoy picking on Johnny's extended fat camp, I couldn't agree more with his decision to choose family over his love for running. But now with things getting back into a groove John has decided to dive back into the bat-shit crazy world of ultra racing. His first race back will be the Confederation 150 at the Calgary Marathon race weekend this May 27-28th. This will be an opportunity for him to give back to the health providers and system that played an integral role in his son's health to date.

John and Natasha have set up a
fundraising page to provide a bedside bowel ultrasound machine to be used in the GI clinic at the Alberta Children's Hospital. This is a real time, rapid, non-invasive tool that can be used in the GI clinic to monitor responses to therapy. Illness and disease is already stressful enough so to eliminate the preparation, sedation and ionizing radiation administered in other modalities is a huge win for children, families, doctors and medical staff. More information can be found

Anybody that knows John knows he is one of the toughest SOB's you'll ever meet but behind the curtains he has an incredible soft spot and devoted love for his son. On May 27th as John grinds out 150 long kilometers on Calgary roads showing us how far he is willing to go for his son. Let's not let him go it alone. Please show your support for this incredible family and help them help others.