It's base season once again, time to get out and grind the miles. You're out for a 5 hour run in the dark and all alone..IT'S PODCAST TIME. I've compiled my 3 favorite ultra running podcasts in order from my fave to least. All are awesome for their own reasons. Tell me what you think. Click on each title to link to the respective podcasts.

Scotty Sandow and Eric Schranz are two wicked funny guys that definitely know how to interview a guest. Always asking the right questions we listeners want to hear. Their interviews range from crazy elite runners to some of the sports oddities to some great coaches and nutritionists. What's cool about this podcast is that Scotty and Eric are just two average guys who, like the rest of us, are absolutely awestruck when in the company of these elites. Thus asking the question that are relevant to us runners. My fave episode has gotta be the Sunny Blende interview. Sunny is a nutritionist and ultrarunner who explained in plain terms ultra nutrition, hydration and what to do when things go bad. The only problem was while I ran listening to the interview, I didn't have pen and paper to retain all the wisdom. The tail end of every interview is called the farkleg round. It's a number of rapid fire questions always concluding with "what is your favorite beer"! Awesome guys! I give this podcast a 10/10!

If you could choose just one podcast with every single ingredient that makes a great listen this would be it. Hosted by Ian Corless (an elite ultra runner himself), Talk Ultra is a lengthy podcast covering international ultra marathoning news and events, detailed interviews, product reviews, pre/post race interviews and pretty much anything ultra related. Approached from an elite runners perspective they delve straight into the competitive aspect of the ultra community asking about racing and training that only a first hand elite could. I find listening to this podcast makes me realize I've got a hell of a long way to go and all along realize my pace has picked up for the duration of the broadcast. The only negative thing I can think of is the poor audio quality. For all the right reasons, I give this podcast a 9/10.
If you pay super attention to nutrition and are meticulous about your training this podcast is for you. This podcast brands itself as relevant to any endurance sport but to be honest, it is mostly directed toward Ironman athletes and marathoners. Tawnee Prazak interviews some of the world's best exercise physiologists and endurance nutritionists to pass along detailed and breaking science to the ultra/endurance community. Bordering on excessive, the information discussed is extremely useful when negotiating races exceeding 8 hours. In my opinion, the detail which is presented is too complicated for me (maybe that's why I run trail ultras not triathlons) but when I feel the need for attention to detail Endurance Planet is my go to podcast. I give it a 7/10.
1 comment:
I really like Trail Runner Nation podcasts. Look them up! Great stuff.
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