I think you'd agree, the very best part of high volume training is high volume eating. Its about that time of the year we put on our 4 winter layers, strap on our headlamps and grind the gears to acquire the big fitness base. These high mileage weeks are hard to get through but with plenty of sleep (which I haven't figured out yet...damn Netflix) and a good diet, a balance can be maintained. A couple years ago my dietitian
Samara Feleski Hunt concluded I wasn't eating enough which lead to a number of issues. When corrected not only did those symptoms go away but my training spiked to new heights. Since then I have made it a key in my training to incorporate high daily calorie intake into my training regimen. Having three monkeys and long days in the office I find it hard to get enough high nutrient food in my belly that's why I find snacking the single best way to ensure the machine is being fueled.
Last year I posted my Granola bar and protein ball recipes but today would like to introduce my PB square recipe. Hope you like it, but I know you will cuz who doesn't LOOOOOOVE peanut butter!

4 cups oats
1 cup chia seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup hemp hearts
2 cups peanut butter
1 cup honey
Gently warm the PB and honey in a sauce pan on the stove. Do not bring to a hell ra

ging boil! Whip up the sweet oats, the bitchin' pumpkin seeds, the holy hearts and the cha-cha-cha-chia seeds in a ginormous bowl. Dump the gooey PB mixture over the oat and seed mix and go-to-town mixing the glorious combination until you are uncertain if you will be able to lift a coffee cup tomorrow (in other words "mix well"). Press into an 8x13 dish, yell "I am Betty MoFo Crocker!" Refrigerate for a couple hours, then cut into 36 equal tetrahedrons. I like to keep them refrigerated but do whatever floats your boat.
Per square: 260 calories, 25g carbohydrates, 10g protein, 14g fat, 6g fiber
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